Click Desktop Support so our support staff can join you on your workstation's desktop during your support call. Simply choose your Browser when prompted and then provide the support staff with the security code. It's fast and secure.
Your work isn’t over when your doors at the end of the day and neither is ours. Our talented team offers 24/7 support and unlimited educational training through our maintenance agreement, which also includes support and automatic software updates as they become available. We put service at the core of our customer relationship because we care about your business. Our mission is to keep your business running smoothly so you can focus on what really matters.
Tim Schulenburg of Wisconsin River Area Habitat for Humanity Restore was kind enough to share his TransActPOS experience:
The folks at TransActPOS are very helpful. They are very interested in any ideas you may come up with. They are very quick and personable when it comes to dealing with any issues you may have. As a whole, I'd say it has been a fantastic experience.
Ongoing education
New customers can utilize the TransActPOS Learning Management System (LMS), a self-paced tool that provides a baseline understanding of the TransActPOS system. Our customers also have access to an online help center that contains more than 2,000 pages of indexed and searchable information.
We also have more than 200 videos in our library to provide an anytime explanation on a variety of TransActPOS topics. The videos cover core processes as well as sophisticated subjects.

Quick support links
Download our remote support client
Downloading the remote client allows us to access your workstation’s desktop so we can provide service after hours or when your store is closed.
Visit desktop support
Desktop support allows us to join you on your workstation’s desktop during your conversation with our technical support team.